maandag 3 april 2017

Assignment 13

1. Who is Numanah?
Numanah is the grandfather.

2. What is the significance of the title?
That everything repeats, it is like a circle it never ends.

3. What does the opening line remind you of in regard to religion?
It reminds us of the bad life you have when you live on the reservation.

4. Look at the list of themes in assignment 12, once again, and decide which of these relate to
the poem and why. Give examples from the poem to explain your answers.
Home: because he don’t have one.
Race: he is an indian and that is why people don’t accept him.

5. What "shame" does the poet refer to? 
He is ashamed to be an indian and wants to go and when he comes back he is ashamed that
he left the reservation.

6. How does the idea of living in-between cultures relate to the themes mentioned in
assignment 12 and use examples from the poem to explain your answer.
Literature and writing: because it is a poem
Race: he isn’t accepted by his race anymore.
Hope and dreams: Numanah has hope and dreams of a better place.
Poverty: Numanah has no money so can’t start a new life somewhere else.

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