dinsdag 22 november 2016

Assignment 2

Assignment 2

Inspiration hitler:

Everybody knows that Hitler did some messed up stuff, but where did he get his ideas?

Well Hitler used to be an ordinary painter after his first war. He used to be a kind of normal , the kind you see every day kind of guy.

He lived in Vienna in between 1908 and 1913. In Vienna he was genuinely influenced by two political movements. They were rather racist and had lots of racist propaganda. The first influence was the Upper Austrian Pan-German politician Georg von Schönerer. The other influence was the Mayer of Vienna, Karl Lueger.

Inspired to genocide

Hitler was inspired by the Armenian genocide and great dictators like Stalin who killed a lot of people to achieve world domination. There were more dictators like Stalin who inspired Hitler , someone like Mussolini. He was an Italian dictator who wasn’t really known for killing but he forced the Public to do as he commands.

What is Genocide?

Walid & Kobus :

Genocide is a extermination of a big group of people, sometimes they are 1 race and sometimes you are just talking about an entire race. Genocide is just the killing of groups of innocent people who are chosen because of sick ideals and racial profiling.

Davy & Simon:

A systematic removal of people who are considered inferior by the people who run a country/ military. This is wrong because racial extermination is a violation against the human standards. We should be treated equally and should never be killed for being different.


our Mindmap of the native americans.

maandag 21 november 2016

assignment 1

What is ISIS?
ISIS is a terrorist organisation that operates from areas within Iraq and Syria. They also have a big international network of terrorists, and sometimes those terrorist will blow themselves up in public in big cities.

Simon: I think ISIS is a very big danger to, not only Iraq and Syria, but the whole world, because they target not only Muslims who they consider to be 'unworthy', but also Christians of all kinds in Europe and other parts of the world.

Davy: ISIS members claim they are acting out of religion, but I don't think killing innocent people is written in their holy book, just because they think differently. ISIS is dangerous and should be stopped as quickly as possible.

Kobus: I think terrorism is no religion. ISIS is terrorism, so they are no religion. People should not blame Islam, they should only be against the Muslim extremists. 'Don't give hate a chance'

Walid: I think that because of ISIS Islam has got a stereotype that isn't accurate. Because of them people tend to give people like me the stink eye. Because of this, a barrier is being built between foreigners and patriots.

Why is ISIS doing this?
We all agree that ISIS is doing this because they want to make a point, and want to show the world what happens if you don't listen to them. They want to convert all the people into extremists and want them to live by the rules of the Sharia. They want to shock people with their actions and want to create hate in people's minds, so that other people want to be extremists too.

How do they want to achieve this?
They want to scare people by terrorists attacks, executions and major threats. By doing this they hope the government will apply to their demands. Nowadays the government is closing mosques in certain cities, and because of these riots are occuring throughout the affected countries.